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Trujillo Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 500ml

This special, unique Napa Valley olive oil comes from the renowned Healy Vineyard. This amazing vineyard is bordered by dozens of regal olive trees that produce an exceptional extra virgin olive oil.

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Price $42.00
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Trujillo Red Wine Vinegar, 500ml

As a winemaker, curiosity and exploration has me pulling corks on many remarkable red wines. Not only the wines I make, but those great wines from my peers. When a wine is not fully consumed and only if worthy becomes part of my personal vinegar blend. This red wine vinegar is the melding from the best of the best.

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Price $20.00
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Trujillo Tote Bag

Environmentally conscious and reusable, these bags are ideal for light grocery shopping or carrying a few essentials.

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Price $26.00
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Trujillo Vest

Soft shell vest for any season

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Price $80.00
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Trujillo WineKey

Rosewood, double hinge winekey w clear case

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Price $25.00
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